Friday, June 15, 2012

Chest tubes/ Grumpy girl / a few extras

Those things suck! She has had 2 sets and 3 times just on the right side.

Adriana is NOT a fussy baby at all. The only time she would cry would be when they took tape off of her and when she had chest tubes. Blood drawing was nothing compared to tape and them stinkin chest tubes.

She is the hardest thing to get blood out of or get an IV on. I went around and around with the nurses and the IV teams at ACH about getting IV's and blood from her. I guess they thought I was kidding when I said she is a HARD stick. I would only let them try 3 times and then I told them no more they didnt need it that bad. Needless to say she got a PIC line during one of her chest tube placements. Those things are AMAZING and saved alot of aruging and flustration until she got her monkey toes caught in it and pulled it out. Silly girl!

 PICC line is a long, soft, flexible tube, or catheter, that is inserted through a vein in the arm. The PICC catheter is designed to reach one of the larger veins located near the heart. It is longer and thinner than a regular intravenous catheter. A PICC line is frequently used in the home setting.

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